I have spent the past two days trying to wrap my mind around what it is am doing here... WHAT do I want my blog to convey? WHOM do I want my target audience to be? Is there a particular STYLE of writing that I want to stick to? As far as RECIPES is there a certain "diet" or "life style" I want to promote? And finally... what in the world would my first REAL post be about?
I will give you a little insight into my STORY. I have always struggled with my weight. I have done Points Systems, counted calories, low-fat, low-carb, juice, pills, miracle two week diets! None of them have ever offered any real long term success. It has only been in the last year that I have really began to listen to what my body is telling me. I watch how my body reacts to the foods I eat. I am still learning everyday how to tailor my diet, which foods I can eat safely and which foods I should avoid like the plague. I truly believe that we all have our own individual nutritional needs. What is right for me, may or may not work for you. I am in no way done on my journey... but I am making progress. It is for that reason that I am not promoting any particular diet in my blog. The recipes I post will be recipes that work for me. Tailor them to your specific needs. Listen to what your body tells you!!!
Today I learned that lesson the hard way... I will undoubtedly succumb to this lesson time and time again, but I now know for sure what the ultimate result will be... What am I talking about? GLUTEN! Gluten and I are NOT friends... Its so sad. Who doesn't love pasta?cake? cookies? cereal? the list goes on and on... Unfortunately, when I listen to my body it screams, NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Today at work we were treated to a company lunch. The group consensus was, pasta and bread sticks! How incredibly delicious!!! That sentiment turned into, "how incredibly painful"!!!! Within 30 mins I had a massive headache, unbearable ringing in my ears and stomach cramps. I knew better... I didn't listen to my body. I have tested negative for a gluten "allergy" but I know without a shadow of a doubt I am gluten intolerant. Every time I consume gluten and endure my lovely side effects, I plan out in my mind how I am going to start out fresh... How I plan to avoid those situations.... It was mid-migraine that I thought to myself, "the beginning" I will start at the beginning... Breakfast. Tomorrow I will eat a nourishing gluten free breakfast and start over... back on track. Where else better to start? THE BEGINNING...
everyday starts with Breakfast... Tonight I made these delicious little egg muffin cups. They are super simple, quick, versatile and you can make a huge batch to have for quick breakfasts or snacks all week. They will also freeze well for up to a month.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Each dream must root itself in ambition...
I am a firm believer that in order for your dreams to come true you must persue them. Have the amibiton and make the move... I have dreamt of creating this blog for over a year now. Always finding excuse after excuse as to why I shouldnt or couldnt. Excuses are over now... Do I have the hens I have been so desiring? No... but maybe, just maybe that will fall into place aswell. I believe in the laws of attracion and that if you begin to live the life you dream, your dreams suddenly become your reality. Example: Tonight... I have become a blogger...
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."
Walt Disney
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