Monday, January 6, 2014


Well, here we are again... The beginning of a New Year! With every New Year there is a feeling of HOPE and OPTIMISM! Mistakes from last year are forgiven and null void, the slate is wiped clean! You have a brand new year to fulfill your wishes, desires, goals and aspirations. This year we were fortunate enough to have celebrated New Years on a New Moon... In astrology the New Moon represents a time of recharging and an optimal time to set new goals. So in my opinion, this New Year is filled with a double whammy promise for those looking to make and keep New Years Resolutions. Feeling the good vibes of the New Year, I too have set some goals for myself. One, to get back on track with focusing on my health.To do so I am working toward following a true paleo diet, meaning no grains, dairy, processed foods, bad vegetable oils, legumes, or artificial sweetener! However I am taking baby steps this time, versus eliminating it all one one painful shebang! This month and possibly the next I will be working on grain free and sugar free. Yes, I will be using artificial sweeteners but those will go soon too... This phase will look very much like a traditional low carb diet, heck, it really is... I want to focus on this phase until I have really kicked my gluten addition in the butt! Also while losing some unwanted weight. The second part of my resolution is to start writing this blog again... maybe I will be the only one who reads this, maybe I wont ever join the ranks of my favorite bloggers... BUT I do believe it will help me keep on track and give me a sense of accountability for my food choices. Today's recipe was driven by the desire for a new breakfast option. I am a huge fan of bacon or sausage and eggs for breakfast... I eat this almost every morning. Looking for a new way to keep old faithful exciting I decided to give Scotch Eggs a whirl. I have seen these in many different blogs, tv shows, cook books... some low carb, others not. This is my interpretation and it is mighty good if I do say so myself! 



1 lb of bulk breakfast sausage
5 eggs
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 tbs coconut flour

preheat over to 350*

1. Bring a large saucepan full of water to a rolling boil.
2. Add 4 eggs and cook for appx 4.5 - 5 mins
3. Submerge eggs into cold water or ice bath and let cool
4. VERY GENTALLY peel the eggs! The whites are just set and the yolks will be runny inside... 
5. In a mixing bowl combine breakfast sausage, cheese, remaining raw egg, and coconut flour. Mix well. 
6. Form a patty with the sausage mixture in the palm of your hand. 
7. Place egg in middle of the patty and form the sausage around the egg, adding a little more of the mixture to the top to enclose the egg completey.
8. Place sausage balls in a non-stick oven proof skillet or baking pan and bake for 17-20 mins or until the sausage is browned and fully cooked.

The recipe is delicious as is! However for variation consider adding some chopped green onion to the sausage mixture, or finly diced and lightly sauteed mushrooms and onions, or for a kick some diced green chilies! I think the green chilis will be on my next go around! Hope you enjoy!

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